When Director of Chute Fire Certification UK® Avene Furness-Monks finds a fire plate that has been chained back on laundry or refuse chute, it deepens her resolve to ensure that her Certified Fire Technicians will always deliver the highest standard in fire prevention possible. Which is why they are now an affiliate member of the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM).
“When we see a fusible link like that or a fire plate that’s been chained back, we know that the chute hasn’t been serviced properly in years. These links are designed to break at the first sign of fire and close a fire-proof damper. This should prevent fire spreading from the bin room, up through the chute, to the floors above” concludes Avene.
Tom Hardy, Business Support Manager, IFSM adds “Becoming an affiliate member of the IFSM demonstrates a company-wide professional attitude that we know is really valued by our member’s customers. It also gives CFCUK international recognition of their competence of conduct and professionalism.”
The IFSM promotes reducing the risk from fire, and by checking the integrity of every element of the chute and its surroundings at every inspection, CFCUK are working to deliver on that mission.
Further information on our chute inspection services can be found here. If you would like more information on the work of the IFSM, please click their logo below.